Pink sea star (Pisaster Brevispinus)

Pink Starfish – The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Pisaster Brevispinus

The pink starfish is one of the most beautiful and desirable species for reef tanks. It’s a unique omnivorous marine invertebrate that’s both stunning and fascinating.

The pink starfish, is also known as the Pacific sea star, Pink Sea Star, blood star, and cookie starfish. It is a famous marine animal that spends its life in the ocean. These species are very hardy and easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for new and experienced hobbyists alike.

The Pink Starfish is an echinoderm belonging to the class Asteroidea. The pink starfish has the scientific name Pisaster Brevispinus and belongs to the Pisaster genus. Its common name is the pink starfish, but it can also be known as the short-spined star.

Pink Starfish Diet & Feeding behavior

The diet of Pisaster brevispinus consists of algae, small animals, and other invertebrates. These starfish are primarily scavengers. They feed on fish, mussels, crabs, snails, and clams.

This species of starfish is a nocturnal feeder. It often feeds during low tide at night. In the morning, it returns to deeper waters to hide away from predators until night time comes again.

Pisaster brevispinus eats mainly mussels. When a starfish is feeding, it will clamp its stomach on top of its prey and begin digesting. It takes between six and eight days for the digestive glands to weaken the shell enough for the starfish to break through. Once the shell has been broken open, the starfish will then inject its stomach into the mussel’s body cavity and secrete digestive enzymes. The entire process of digestion can take up to nine days.

The pink starfish has another interesting feeding behavior. When it has finished feeding on one individual, it will move onto another, but not before it has actually sealed up the shell of its former prey with its own muscle tissue, which prevents them from reopening again! However, this is not done as a protective measure but rather as a defense against other predators such as seagulls and crabs that may try to steal their food or eat the remaining leftovers after the starfish has eaten its fill.

Moreover, Pink starfish are omnivorous and opportunistic feeders. Their feeding behavior varies depending on the availability of food. They eat both plant and animal matter, but they prefer mollusks such as clams, snails, and mussels. They are also known to eat sea cucumbers, tube worms, barnacles, brittle stars, urchins, sponges, and carrion.

Appearance and color range

The appearance and color range of the sea star varies depending on its age, the temperature and salinity of the water it inhabits, and whether it is male or female.

This name comes from its bright pink coloration. However, this species also occurs in different colors. The pink starfish is an extremely colorful animal that comes in a variety of bright colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. The Pink Starfish is not only one of the most colorful species of starfish, but it is also one of the largest and most commonly seen along the Pacific Coast. It has smooth skin with small bumps all over its body, which gives it a very interesting look and feel.

The pink starfish is a five-armed starfish, with arms that are short and slender. Their upper surface is covered in short spines, with the bottom being flat, and covered in numerous tube feet. If you look closely at the aboral (upper) surface of Pisaster brevispinus you will see tiny dots all over the surface. These tiny dots are what helps separate it from other similar species.

Upper Surface: Like most starfish, pink starfish have papulae covering their upper surface. This gives them a bumpy texture. The papulae on Pisaster brevispinus have very small spines attached to them. They also have very small tube feet that are visible to the naked eye along their length. These tube feet are used for movement and feeding purposes.

Lower Surface: The lower side of the pink sea star is smooth and flat, with hundreds of tube feet that run along its length. These tube feet also have suction cup-like tips that help them hold onto rocks as well as prey. In addition to tube feet, Pisaster brevispinus has a mouth opening on its underside.

Distribution & Habitat of Pink Sea Star

Pink starfish inhabit all hard surfaces including rocks, eelgrass beds, artificial structures, and empty mollusk shells.

Pisaster brevispinus or Pink starfish is found in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. The starfish can be found from Alaska to Baja California. This species prefers areas that are protected from wave action and strong currents. Pink sea star prefers rocky intertidal zones where it has access to algae. The starfish spends much of its life underneath rocks and crevices along the rocky shore.

Pink Starfish Structure
Pink Starfish in Reef Aquarium

It is most abundant at depths of less than 15 m (49 ft) but may be found as deep as 180 m (590 ft). It is often found in large numbers on rocky shores in the intertidal zone, with population densities as high as 50 individuals per square meter. Pisaster brevispinus is an intertidal species, being exposed to the air at low tide and during low sea levels. To avoid desiccation, the starfish spends most of its time under rocks or in crevices.

The pink starfish can also live in tide pools, which are shallow pools of saltwater that form on rocky shores when the tide goes out. These pools contain seawater and marine life, including plant life, which can survive despite being exposed to air for long periods of time.

Reproduction of Pink Starfish

The pink starfish is a hermaphrodite which means it has both male and female reproductive organs. During reproduction, the eggs are released by the female reproductive organ and they are fertilized by the male ones. The fertilized eggs develop into larvae that swim freely in the water before settling on the ocean floor where they will develop into adults.

A pink sea star is a male or female and can reproduce with any other sea star. Sea stars are gonochoric, which is where the individuals are either male or female. Pink sea stars may have gametes (sperm or eggs) at one time of the year, and then produce only the opposite gamete at another time of the year. The gonads, which release the sperm or eggs, are located in the central disk of the sea star.

During mating season, a spermatophore (a mass of sperm) is released by the male pink sea star onto a sperm duct located on the female’s body. The male then moves away from the female as she releases her eggs into a nest. She will lay her eggs in masses that are attached to rocks near her home.

The pink sea star is oviparous, which means that it lays its eggs externally rather than inside its body. It takes 7 to 12 days for the embryos to hatch into larvae. Once hatched, they float around in the water until they develop into a juvenile stage in about 10 days. Juveniles can be produced throughout most of the year; however, most reproduction occurs between February and October.

Lifespan and growth

The starfish tend to live in variable conditions, so their lifespan depends on the habitat. But the average lifespan of the Pink starfish is between 5 and 20 years. They have been known to reproduce as early as three months and as late as four years old depending on the availability of food in their habitat.

They grow approximately 1/2 inch every year. Since they grow from the center, their arms are always larger than their bodies. The average size of a Pink Starfish is about 7-9 inches across when fully grown.

The disc is pentagonal and is covered by calcareous plates which are quite small and close-set compared to those of other species such as Ophiothrix fragilis. The arms are about half the length of the body and divided into three sections, with the proximal section being spiny and the intermediate and distal sections becoming increasingly smooth.

Predators and Threats

Pink starfish are preyed upon by many different sea creatures. The pink starfish has many predators, including sea otters, sunflower stars, seagulls, rock crabs, spiny dogfish, market squid, and cabezon.

The largest threats to Pisaster brevispinus are humans and climate-related issues. They are collected to be used in the aquarium trade and are sometimes eaten by humans in some places around the world.

Human activities that threaten Pisaster brevispinus include pollution, habitat modification, and harvesting. Oil spills affect them greatly because they reproduce through broadcast spawning and fertilization in the open water so the oil can easily kill their larvae and eggs. Climate change issues that threaten Pisaster brevispinus are increasing ocean acidity levels and increasing water temperatures.

Breeding Guide & Aquarium Conditions

The breeding season of the pink sea star is in summer. The female sea stars release eggs into the water, and the male sea stars release sperm at the same time. These two fluids mix together to form larvae that will float around in the water for about two weeks. After two weeks, they will settle on the bottom of the ocean floor and start developing into adults.

Pisaster brevispinus, the pink starfish, is a popular invertebrate among marine aquarists. However, despite their popularity, they are not fully understood by aquarists. In this guide, we’re going to explain all you need to know about keeping these beautiful creatures in your marine tank.

Pink starfish are extremely hardy and adaptable to a wide variety of water conditions. As such, they will do well in a wide range of tank sizes.

Pink starfish require a minimum tank size of 20 gallons (90 liters). They have the potential to grow up to 8″ (20 cm) in diameter so you should aim for around 100 gallons (450 liters) for an adult specimen.

Strong water flow is a must for all marine animals that live on coral reefs. Pink starfish are no different and prefer strong water flow in their aquariums.

The pink starfish can sometimes be fragile in its early stages of development, but once it gets bigger, it’s not as delicate. When you buy this type of starfish, make sure that it has been acclimated properly before you add it to your aquarium.

To care for your pink starfish, keep its water temperature between 74 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit (23ºC-26ºC). If the temperature drops too low or rises too high, the starfish can become sick.

There are no special requirements for the substrate in the tank either. Pink starfish prefer rough substrates over smooth ones so that they can grip on to it with their tube feet better. This allows them to move along the surface without falling off.

Lighting is not particularly important for these starfish; they don’t require bright lighting to survive. In fact, the bright lighting that comes with most reef tanks may eventually bleach out some of the colors on their body. This isn’t something that you have to worry about right away because it takes a long time for this type of damage to occur. But it is something to be aware of if you intend to keep your pink starfish for a very long time.

8 Facts That Will Make You Love The Pink Starfish Even More

The pink starfish is considered to be a very rare species and there are only a few hundred left in existence today!

  1. The pink starfish is one of the most beautiful sea creatures on the planet. Not only does it have a unique color, but its shape and size make it a truly amazing animal.
  2. The name “pink starfish” comes from its distinctive coloring. The pink coloration is caused by carotenoid pigments in the animal’s skin.
  3. They can regenerate lost arms. If a starfish loses an arm, it can regenerate a new one in its place within a few weeks or months.
  4. The pink starfish is sometimes referred to as the “crown-of-thorns” starfish because of its spiny legs which resemble thorns on a crown.
  5. The pink starfish has an average lifespan of about 5-20 years on average, although some have been known to live up to 50 years old!
  6. These creatures are extremely territorial and will attack any other species that come near their home range, including humans if they get too close.
  7. An interesting fact about the pink starfish is that its blood contains a toxin called pisasterin which can paralyze small fish, crabs and other crustaceans.
  8. Pisaster brevispinus is a solitary, globular starfish with five arms. Its body is pinkish-orange with mottled patterns.

Pink Starfish – Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can starfish be pink?

Starfish can indeed be pink. While there are a variety of colors and patterns present on this marine creature, the pink coloration is one that is found in a few different species. Even though they are called “pink” they can actually be a variety of different colors and their appearance varies depending on age and species.

Q.2 Do pink starfish eat sponges?

Yes, they do. Pink sea stars are opportunistic feeders. They will eat whatever is available to them. If sponges are in their habitat, they will eat them. So Pisaster brevispinus also feeds on sponges and is one of the most fascinating animals in the world. They will eat any animal they can fit into their stomach. This includes sponges, which are animals.

Q3. Can you keep a pink starfish as a pet?

The answer is yes, you can keep a pink starfish as a pet. However, you will need a large aquarium because it can grow to be very large. You should also keep in mind that they don’t live long in captivity so you may not want to get too attached to them. If you do decide to keep one as a pet, make sure that you feed it regularly and that the water temperature is kept at about seventy degrees Fahrenheit.

Q4. Is it safe to touch a pink starfish?

The biggest difference between the pink starfish and other similar animals is its soft body, which means it can be easily damaged by anything that touches it.

It’s best to avoid touching any kind of wild animal with your bare hands, as this could cause damage to the animal’s body or transmit harmful bacteria from your skin to theirs. If you want to pick up a pink starfish from the ocean floor, wear gloves for protection and use a shovel, trowel, or another tool to get underneath and lift it. If you find a starfish on the beach, you can pick it up, provided you are very gentle in doing so and are careful not to hold onto it for too long.


There’s no doubt that the pink starfish rocks. We hope this guide has been able to teach you a little more about these very cool creatures! They are absolutely stunning to see in the wild and will still be around for many years to come if we can protect their natural habitat. The pink sea star is just as fascinating as its red and purple relatives. With details about its background, life cycle, diet, and habitat, you’ll be able to observe the mystery of these creatures in a new light.

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