Fromia Monilis (Necklace Starfish) – Meet The World’s Rarest Starfish

The Fromia Monilis is also known as Necklace Starfish because its arms are covered with white spots that look like pearls on a necklace. It is considered as one of the world’s rarest starfish because it is quite hard to find in the wild.

Common names for fromia monilis starfish are necklace sea star, tiled starfish, little red sea star, red-knobbed sea star, and red-speckled sea star.Fromia Monilis Starfish also has an interesting name, other than the necklace starfish, this animal is also called the white spotted sea star and the red sea star. It is one of the most beautiful echinoderms in the ocean!

Fromia Monilis (Necklace Starfish) is one of the most sought after starfish in the world. They are very rare and difficult to find. This starfish has a unique body that is both beautiful and elegant.This starfish is very rarely seen in the world and due to its rarity, it has become one of the most sought after creatures by marine enthusiast, hobbyist and collectors.

These are also known as the chameleon starfish because of its ability to change color with the environment. It is a medium sized starfish, about 9 inches across. The most notable feature of this species is its bright red color, which makes it one of the easiest to identify in the wild.

Appearance & Color

The fromia monilis starfish is a very beautiful and rare starfish. It has a soft and flexible body but with a smooth, even texture. The body of the fromia monilis is usually covered by white spines that give it a patterned look. The starfish’s color can vary from yellow to red and the most common shades are light blue and purple. They come in all different shapes and sizes too!

The fromia monilis starfish can grow up to around 20 centimeters wide and is almost a perfect circle in shape. It has five arms, each with an eye at its tip, which allows it to observe its surroundings no matter what direction it’s facing in. As with most species of starfish, they have tube feet located on their undersides that help them move around on the seafloor or attach themselves to rocks when stationary.

This creature looks quite interesting to most of the people,but when it comes to appearance,it has a very simple look,which makes it more special.The Fromia monilis is a medium-sized starfish with a unique body shape. The animal has two shells on either side of its body that form two points that stick out like horns. One shell is concave while the other is convex and both are covered by an outer layer of tiny hairs called setae . Additionally, these creatures have five arms with long, sticky tube feet that allow them to swim at speeds up to four times their body length every second.

Diet & Feeding Behavious of Fromia Monilis Starfish

The Fromia Monilis Starfish is a general carnivore that feeds on various meaty foods including mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and frozen foods like bloodworms, krill, and plankton. You can also feed them table shrimp, scallops, clams, fish and squid.

For best results, feed your starfish at night when the tank lights are off. You can also feed them dried algae wafers as well as other reef safe dried foods.Fromia monilis is a herbivore and feeds on algae growing on coral reef areas. They will also feed on other types of algae such as green algae, turf algae, red algae and brown algae.

Feeding is simple for the Fromia Monilis Starfish, as it will eat a variety of meaty foods from frozen, live, and dried foods. It prefers meaty foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and chopped krill. Providing an ample supply of meaty foods will help ensure your Starfish’s long life span. The Fromia Monilis Starfish is not difficult to feed but has a rather small appetite. Because of this, it is recommended to feed 1-2 times a week. Feeding can be done by placing food directly in front of the star, or by laying pieces on top of the sand bed.


The Fromia Monilis starfish is found in the Indo-Pacific region, usually in warm and clear waters. The species can be found on coral reefs and lagoons where the sand is well oxygenated. This starfish prefers areas with a lot of light, although it can also be observed in caves and crevices during the day. Fromia Monilis can be seen from the intertidal zone (up to one meter depth) to depths of 70 meters (230 feet).

The Fromia Monilis starfish is a rare fish that inhabits the waters of the Indo-Pacific. The Fromia Monilis starfish is uncommon due to its natural habitat and the speed at which it grows. It is a marine, tropical starfish that thrives in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, in reef habitats with lots of algae and other soft vegetation, such as the Red Sea.

In most cases, each Fromia Monilis starfish will live alone and it does not move too far from its habitat. Once it finds a good place to live, it will stay there for many years.The Fromia Monilis starfish is a sea creature that lives in shallow water. It lives on rocks or sandy areas where it can move freely without any disturbance from predators. These starfishes feed on encrusting bryozoans and sponges.

The Fromia Monilis starfish is one of the most beautiful species of starfishes that can be found in our oceans today. They are known to be very docile creatures who prefer to live alone rather than in groups or schools like other species of fishes do.

Reproduction & Breeding Guide

What makes this species unique is its ability to reproduce sexually and asexually through fission. This means it will split itself into two separate organisms when it reaches maturity!

This species does not have a larval stage. It reproduces sexually, either by releasing gametes into the water or by direct fertilization where the male inserts his sperm into the female using his modified arm. In this species, one arm is modified for reproduction and it contains sperms for reproduction. It is easy to differentiate between males and females. Females have three rows of tube feet on their underside, while males have only two rows of tube feet. The females can lay up to 10 million eggs at once. The eggs are released as strings of large orange-red spheres that are attached to each other by long filaments.

Breeding this starfish species in captivity is very difficult because they need specific temperature conditions and special diets which facilitate growth and reproduction. They can be bred in captivity if they are provided with proper environmental conditions, i.e. the right temperature, salinity level, lighting, and diet.

The Fromia Monilis Starfish breeds exogenously and releases its eggs into the water. There are certain factors that are believed to influence their breeding, such as the moon phase, temperature, increased food availability, and an increase in salinity levels.

The females release several million eggs at a time, which become fertilized by the males after being released into the water. After fertilization, the larvae hatch from their eggs and develop into benthic organisms from where they eventually settle on the bottom of the sea or ocean floor (substrate) to grow into fully developed starfish individuals.

Predators & Threats

When it comes to predators, the Fromia monilis is not very vulnerable. This is due to its size and the fact that it can drop off pieces of its limbs in order to escape from a predator. Its texture is soft and squishy, so other marine life would have trouble trying to eat it.The Fromia Monilis Starfish has many predators. They feed on this species including fish, sea star and sea urchins.

The biggest threat to the Fromia monilis starfish is humans. They are collected and sold as souvenirs or decorations, and they are also used in traditional medicine. Another threat is pollution and habitat destruction of coral reefs where they live. They are also trapped by fishermen for food and for their use in aquariums.

Fromia monilis has become a popular pet trade item around the world, which has decreased their numbers in the wild population. While they are popular pets, they are difficult to keep alive if they don’t receive adequate care.

The other problem with humans is that they are contributing to pollution that is harming this starfish species. The pollution causes toxins to be released into the water, which kills these starfish or at least makes them ill. If they get too sick, then they will die off, which is another reason why their numbers are in decline today.

Another threat to this species is climate change which has brought about changes in the water temperature.

Aquarium Care & Guide For Fromia Monilis starfish

Aquarium care is quite easy, and “Fromia Monilis” requires a mature saltwater aquarium. This is a great little starfish for your saltwater reef aquarium. It does not have any special care requirements and is safe to keep with all corals and inverts.

Fromia monilis are reef-safe starfish that do not bother corals as they filter-feed on plankton. They can be kept with other members of the genus and inverts, but be wary of putting them in tanks with invertebrates that are bigger than the starfish. The starfish will not harm fish or corals, but some fish may attack them. It is best to keep this species in a tank with passive fish.

This species is relatively easy to care for, but they may have difficulty acclimating to an aquarium due to their sensitive skin and the fact that they are nocturnal. In order to make acclimation easier, it is best to place a Fromia monilis in an aquarium without bright lighting at night so that it can adjust slowly.

These starfish should be kept in a reef setup with rockwork as they love to climb rocks and hide. As for substrate, use a fine sand bed (1-2cm) or crushed coral that is not too course. Keep the water quality high by changing 10% of the water every week or 20% biweekly.

The Fromia Monilis starfish does best in a mature reef tank with plenty of live rock for grazing on algae and detritus. These starfish eat algae, so it’s important to maintain proper water flow in order to circulate food sources. The red stripe down the center may fade when the starfish is not eating enough or is stressed by less-than-ideal water conditions.

Because these starfish are very sensitive to metal contamination, it’s important to use PVC fittings and plastic tanks rather than metal or acrylic ones. Copper-based medications should be avoided at all costs as they will kill these creatures instantly.

Be sure to keep your sand bed clean and take care of any organic matter from decaying foods or animals.

Fromia monilis is one of the few echinoderms that can be kept successfully in captivity. In fact, these starfish are quite hardy when given the proper environment. They are slow moving and will spend most of their time hiding during the day and come out at night to feed on leftover food or algae growth in your tank.

Interesting Facts About Necklace Starfish (Fromia Monilis)

  • Very pretty, elegant, and very rare starfish. The Fromia Monilis Starfish (Necklace Starfish) is a very unique and rare species of starfish due to its size and appearance.
  • This sea star is covered in different shades of red and orange with black markings around its arms. The dark markings look like beads of a necklace when connected together on this animal’s body.
  • The Fromia monilis can grow up to 12 inches in diameter and it lives on sea grass beds, reef flats and lagoons at depths up to 30 meters.
  • They have an upper side that is covered with tiny spines which are densely distributed on their body. Their underside has ‘tube feet’ which helps them move along surfaces by means of a water vascular system which helps them digest food.
  • Fromia Monilis starfish is a benthic species (benthos), which means that it lives on the seabed. The Fromia Monilis feed on sponges and algae.
  • Like all sea stars, it has a body that consists of five separate sections. The necklaces starfish is so named because it has wavy white bands that resemble a necklace. It also has an orange center and red spines, with a very distinct black border.
  • It is one of the most complicated and sought after species on the planet. While these small creatures are not particularly difficult to find, they can be very hard to identify due to their unusual appearance.
  • This sea star is nocturnal and will hide under rocks during daytime. When night falls, this animal will come out of hiding to hunt for food. It can be found in shallow waters as deep as 20 meters below the surface during daytime and deeper areas at night.

Fromia Monilis starfish-Related FAQs

Q1. What is a Fromia Monilis starfish?

Fromia Monilis Starfish (also known as Necklace Starfish) are one of the most beautiful starfish in the world. The species is very rare and can only be found in the Red Sea and some locations in the Indian Ocean.

The starfish are a unique color and feature a unique pattern on their back. They are also called necklace starfish because of the white ring around them.

Q2. What is the scientific name for a necklace starfish?

The Fromia monilis Starfish is one of the most beautiful in the world. Its scientific name is Fromia Monilis and is commonly known as the necklace starfish. This starfish has a hard exterior with a knobby texture all over it and can be found in many different colors such as orange, red, and blue.

Q3. Are necklace starfish endangered?

Necklace starfish are considered endangered because they’re not as common as other species of starfish. In fact, they’re the rarest species of starfish and there are only a few hundred left in the world. Necklace starfish are at risk of extinction because they’re overfished for food.

They’re a popular delicacy in Vietnam, where they’re served in restaurants and sold at markets. Fishermen trap them in nets, which also catches other marine animals like dolphins and sea turtles.

The necklace starfish or fromia monilis is a variety of starfish that is extremely rare. This stunning and beautiful creature is an amazing sight, but it is also one of the most endangered species in the world.

Q4. Are Fromia Monilis starfish easy to keep?

Fromia Monilis Starfish (Necklace Starfish) are rather easy to keep. It is very easy starfish to keep and is one of the best beginner species. They are also great for those who want to try their hand at keeping a starfish. They are very hardy, and they move slowly, making them easy to care for.

They can be kept in small groups, but they do not get along with each other. In fact, they will eat each other if given the opportunity. This means that you will have to keep only one per tank.

Q5. Are Fromia Monilis starfish harmful?

Fromia Monilis Starfish is not harmful. They are not venomous, so they do not pose a threat to humans or aquatic life. They are only a threat to corals if they get trapped in their branches and suffocate them.

They are non-poisonous and inedible. They don’t have any spines, so they cannot sting you. They will not cause any harm to your tank if you put them in. They will peacefully coexist with all the other species that you have in there, as long as they are not aggressive. Fromia Monilis starfish are sedentary creatures, and they pass their day snuggled up at the bottom of your tank.


The Fromia Monilis Starfish is one of the most delightful starfish out there today. Their pleasant appearance is just one of their many charms, as this species does not harm other fish or invertebrates in the wild. This makes them an ideal addition for any aquarium. 

So the Fromia Monilis Starfish is one of the most beautiful and rare starfishes that can be found on this planet. It is also known as the necklace starfish, because of its unique red spots that are spread all over its body. The coloring of this starfish makes it look like a precious jewel.

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