Ravioli Sea Starf

Ravioli Starfish – A Complete Guide About Diet, Habitat, Care & Facts

Ravioli Starfish is a very cute-looking starfish. It is commonly called the sea cookie is part of the Starfish family. Its scientific name is “Plinthaster dentatus”. 

The ravioli starfish is a close relative of the chocolate chip starfish but is much larger. They have colorful spots and they are easy to care for.

It has a soft body and more flexible than other starfishes. Ravioli starfish is different from other species because it has a very distinctive pattern on its body. This pattern forms by the sharp edged make it look like ravioli, hence the name. Some people keep them as pets in their aquarium. They are easy to care for. Require less space in your tank and do not need much care and maintenance.

A ravioli starfish is known for its unique ability to morph into a “ball-shape”. They are completely spherical in shape and it’s one of the reasons why people love them so much. Raviolis are also known as chocolate chip starfish due to their unique brown and white color pattern.

Appearance & Identification

The body of the ravioli starfish is flat and circular, with a diameter of 2-8 inches. It is usually gray or brown in color. Like Spiny starfish, the body is covered by small spines, which are usually white in color. The most unique aspect of this creature, however, is its raised bumps. These bumps have purple centers, which are surrounded by a yellowish ring and a white ring after that. These bumps give this starfish its name, as they resemble the shape of ravioli pasta.

It is a small and slow-moving sea creature. This creature is a bottom-dwelling species. It is commonly called the ‘ravioli’ due to its appearance. The body of this starfish is very soft, and it has a smooth skin texture. Its ventral surface is covered with wart-like papillae which make the starfish look like ravioli pasta!

They have a large mouth on the undersides of their disc and each arm has small spines, papillae, and small tube feet. Their arms are adorned with small bumps called pedicellariae that keep their body surface clean of debris and parasites. When they are young, they have a lighter color and with time they turn darker. In fact, their colors can change depending on their diet and environment.

Their appearance is so amazing that you can’t take your eyes off them. These starfishes look like they have been cut out of a perfect circle to get their round shape. The interesting thing is that this species has taken advantage of its coloration to camouflage itself since it reaches adulthood.

Plinthaster dentatus Ravioli Starfish

Diet & feeding Habits

Ravioli Starfish can be fed both meaty foods like sea cucumbers, crabs, and worms as well as vegetable matter like algae and seaweed. It usually hunts at night so you should feed it when the lights are turned off so that it can hunt for food efficiently.

When feeding your starfish ravioli, it is important to take into account how much they will eat in a certain amount of time. Since they move very slowly and often eat very small amounts at a time, you should not overfeed them with the intention that they can eat more than they need.

Overfeeding your starfish is a common mistake that can lead to nitrate spikes in your tank. If these spikes are high enough, they can kill even the most hardy inhabitants of your aquarium.

Feeding only what your starfish can consume at once is essential for maintaining proper water quality in your tank. The best thing you can feed your ravioli starfish is a diet rich in algae or seaweed. This will provide it with all the nutrients it needs for a long and healthy life. You can also supplement this diet with dried foods from the pet store, which are specially formulated for marine invertebrates like the ravioli starfish.


The ravioli starfish, like many other starfish, live on the ocean floor. They prefer to dwell under the sand, where they are safe from predators and can easily find food. They are found only in certain parts of the Mediterranean Sea and are so rare that they have not yet been studied extensively by scientists.

The ravioli starfish is native to the Pacific Ocean and can be found from Alaska to Baja California and as far south as Japan. They are common in the Northern Gulf of California, where they often hide in cracks in rocky reefs, according to NOAA. It has been found in sandy or muddy seafloors but prefers rocky areas with algae growths for food sources.

The cookie starfish or ravioli starfish is a species of sea star found in the Atlantic Ocean. The natural habitat of ravioli starfish is usually very clean, usually with a lot of seaweed around. In the wild, they can be found in water depths ranging from 1m to 100m. Ravioli starfish are benthic animals, which means that they live on the bottom of bodies of water. They prefer areas with a sandy or muddy substrate.

This species is nocturnal, meaning it is most active at night. During the day it buries itself beneath the sediment and rests until nightfall. This behavior helps protect it from predators and unfavorable conditions, like strong currents or rough weather.

Reproduction & Growth Of Ravioli Starfish

Ravioli Starfish reproduces via asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is through fragmentation. It means that any arm that is detached from the starfish can grow into a new individual if it has an intact central disc. This process of regeneration takes about 4-6 weeks for the arm to grow into a complete individual. If the arm does not have a central disc, then it will not regenerate. The time required to regenerate a lost arm depends on environmental conditions like food availability and water temperature.

Sexual reproduction occurs in the spring season when males and females release gametes (eggs and sperm) into the water column. These gametes find each other, fertilize in water and form larvae. Larvae are planktonic, meaning they float freely in water. The larvae settle on the rocky seabed after 2-3 weeks of floating around, where they begin to take the shape of starfish and start feeding on prey items like mussels and barnacles.

Ravioli starfish are one of the slow-growing species. Ravioli Starfish can grow up to 6 inches in diameter. They are slow growers as they only add 1-2 inches a year. In the wild, they can live up to 30 years while in captivity, they can live up to 20 years.

As ravioli starfish grows, it molts its exoskeleton and replaces it with new one. These processes continue until the starfish reaches its full size.

Predators & Threats

Ravioli starfish have a few natural predators. Some of the predators include crabs, lobsters, other species of starfish, and even people. The most common predator is the sea otter. When an otter approaches a starfish it will flip it onto its back and eat its stomach area.

The human threat to ravioli sea stars is due to overfishing in their native waters. Like all other species of starfish, it too is at risk of destruction caused by humans, including habitat destruction and predatory fishing. They are sometimes sold in aquariums but this can be dangerous for them as they require a large tank to live properly. They are also affected by water pollution that often occurs from runoff into the ocean and littering on beaches.

Mollusks are one of the most important predators of this species. Research shows that the population density of the ravioli starfish is negatively impacted by predation on adult females by mollusks. Mollusks prey on this species because they consume their gonads while leaving behind the rest of its body.

They have an exoskeleton which means their bones are on the outside rather than inside. Their exoskeleton is quite tough and protects them from predators, but it does not protect them from all predators.

Aquarium Guide- How to Maintain Tank For Ravioli Starfish?

Ravioli Starfish are one of the most attractive species of starfish you can find in the ocean. In case you have been thinking about getting a Ravioli Starfish for your tank, we have come up with this complete guide to help you out with everything that you need to know about a Ravioli Starfish.

Tank size

A minimum of 30-gallon tank is ideal for keeping a single ravioli starfish. The ravioli starfish doesn’t require a huge amount of space as they are quite small. You can keep them in tanks with a capacity of 30 gallons. But if you want to keep more than one ravioli starfish, then you will have to get a larger tank for them.

Tank mates

Other starfishes, crabs, and snails are suitable tankmates for ravioli starfish. Ravioli starfish can live peacefully with other creatures like sea urchins and snails when they are small. However, if they start growing bigger, they will start eating these creatures. They can be aggressive towards other invertebrates as well when they grow bigger. So it is better to keep them away from other invertebrates in order to avoid any accidental eating. Make sure that the fish you add in your aquarium are not aggressive because the ravioli starfish is a slow and docile species.

Water flow

Medium water flow is perfect for the aquarium where ravioli starfish lives. This species can survive in any kind of water flow because they have adapted themselves to living in different conditions. But it would be great if you have a moderate water flow in your tank so that there is proper circulation taking place inside it.


You should maintain the temperature between 72- 78 Fahrenheit in your aquarium where ravioli starfishes will live. Anything above or below this range can cause stress to your pet.


As Ravioli Starfish are nocturnal, they do not require intense lighting in the aquarium. However, if you do have coral or other photosynthetic animals in the aquarium, then it is recommended to provide moderate lighting. You must provide them with low lighting conditions because these starfishes do not have any eyesight and they can only sense light with their arms, which help them move towards light when they are searching for food but low lighting conditions are preferred by these marine creatures as they cannot tolerate bright lights in the aquarium tank.


Use rocks and boulders that create a cave-like shelter with crevices in between them. This will provide your ravioli starfish enough hiding space during the day. You can use a substrate like sand, mud or dead coral which will encourage their feeding habits. Also, add plenty of rock formations which will provide them with shelter when they are not feeding or moving around in the water column.


It is important to have good filtration in the tank to provide sufficient oxygen levels and clean water quality. Filtration does not need to be intense as these starfish thrive in low oxygen environments.

Interesting Facts

  • The ravioli starfish is not venomous but it does have poisonous spikes that you should avoid touching. If you accidentally touch it, the skin might sting for some time but it will heal within hours.
  • It is known as the “ravioli starfish” because of its soft body and semi-translucent look. From afar, this sea star looks like a ravioli.
  • The body of this starfish is divided into five sections, each of which has a rounded end. This gives it a unique shape. Each section also has an indentation at the center, which makes it look even more similar to a delicious ravioli pasta.
  • The ravioli starfish is especially popular with tank owners because of its color and its diet. In the wild, this species is voracious and opportunistic, eating just about anything it can get its ‘hands’ on. This includes other species of fish and coral!
  • Ravioli Starfish has large cream colored bumps that make it look like a ravioli from a distance. It is also known as the bumpy star or chocolate chip starfish.
  • It is very difficult to determine the sex of these creatures because they are not born with specific sex organs. They are hermaphrodites and can reproduce with any other rivioli starfish they come across.
  • They do not need humans to survive, so there are no special care instructions for home aquariums or zoos.
  • When kept in captivity, however, it doesn’t display these aggressive behaviors. Instead, you can keep it safe in an aquarium with other fish without having to worry about it attacking or eating them!
  • This species is easy to care for but should be fed regularly. They will eat pellets and flakes of commercial foods as well as meaty aquarium items like mussels, clams, shrimp and fish.
  • The size and weight of the ravioli starfish makes it harder for them to quickly evade predators like sea otters. These animals are most active at night when they are less likely to be attacked by predators.
  • The adult ravioli sea stars are quite large in size and have bright, attractive colors. They are dark red or brownish-red in color that covers their bodies, with yellowish-white spots scattered all over their bodies.
  • The ravioli sea stars are also known as chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookies, white line cookies, and pink spotted sea stars.

Ravioli Starfish -Related FAQs

What is Ravioli starfish?

Ravioli Starfish is an excellent addition to the marine aquarium. This is one of the popular starfish in the reef aquarium hobbyist. The name ravioli starfish relates to its’ shape and color, which can be similar to a pasta dish. It has a light brown or sometimes reddish-brown body with small white spots. The inner surface of their arms have a darker brown shade than the outer surface. Their arms are broad, chubby and short. They have a circular central disk that is more prominent in comparison to other species of starfishes in this family. They are commonly known as Ravioli Starfish, Pasta Starfish, or even Spaghetti Starfish. They have a wide variety of different names, but all of them refer to the same species of starfish.

Why does the ‘Ravioli starfish’ look like pasta?

The Ravioli starfish is also known as the pasta starfish because of its resemblance to ravioli, a type of pasta. The name “Ravioli” is also a reference to the pasta-like appearance of the starfish. It has a white body with brown spots, and it can reach up to 20 cm in diameter. The tentacles are smaller than most starfishes and have a flattened shape. It looks like ravioli pasta, which is where it got its name. It has a hard white skin that resembles a ravioli shell. As for its appearance, it looks more like a cucumber than a starfish. Its long arms look like pasta tentacles and its red cushions look like ravioli stuffing.

What is the Colour of Ravioli starfish?

The ravioli starfish is a unique creature. Not only is it known for its soft, squishy body but also for its striking appearance. In fact, the ravioli starfish has a color that can easily stand out from other starfishes.

The color of the ravioli starfish will depend on where it lives. If you see one in the wild, its color will be somewhat greyish-white with brown or orange spots all over its body. Aside from its unique shape, another thing that makes the ravioli starfish stand out is its color.

Do they have eyes?

A Ravioli starfish is devoid of any eyes or brain. However, it possesses light-sensitive pigments on its skin, which help it to detect light, dark, and movement. Although a majority of Sunstar species swim through lagoons and reefs, this particular species does not move much and prefers to crawl on the ocean floor.

Is Ravioli Starfish poisonous?

The Ravioli Starfish is not poisonous to humans. It is not known if it is poisonous to other fish. So you can touch it with your bare hands. You must be careful about this starfish because their spines are very sharp and can cause a lot of damage to their enemies. They are harmless to humans and to their tank mates as well. The ravioli starfish feeds on small invertebrates, corals, sponges, and some other types of food matter that they can find on the bottom of their habitat. They also feed on dead fish or other animals which they scavenge around the seabed or ocean floor.


Ravioli Starfish are very easy to keep and are one of the most popular starfish to own. If you are interested to keep a starfish as a pet, then do not worry. As it is very easy to reproduce the Ravioli starfish, so you can go to any nearby sea and collect the starfish there. All you have to do is to keep some of them in peaceful aquariums. The aquarium should be cleaned instantly, as these sea creatures will die if there is any filth and dirt stays in it for long. So, it is better to clean the tank every week before you place this animal in it.

Ravioli starfish have become more and more common in aquarium hobby over the years. With their small size, vibrant coloration, and relatively peaceful demeanor, they are a great choice for aquarists with smaller tanks and a limited amount of space. However, there is more to these fish than meets the eye. Their care requirements are not as simple as some people might think, and they can actually be quite shy and skittish creatures. With their unique look, it’s hard not to fall in love with them once you see one.

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