Dog breeds for Small Home Living

5 Terrific Dog Breeds For Apartment/Small Home Living

Pet ownership can be a rewarding experience, but there are some things that make owning a dog for an apartment living situation more challenging than others. The first major factor is size: the smaller dogs tend to be easier to handle, but it also means that you probably won’t have much room for a doghouse. This is where my top 5 picks for apartment-friendly dogs come in handy!

Some dogs are better suited for smaller spaces, there are plenty of other options out there that make great apartment pets. 

Here’s our list of five top picks:

Keeshond Dog Breed


This is a friendly and playful dog that loves to be around people. It will make an excellent family pet, but it’s also great with kids and other pets. This breed has been known to be good with strangers as well as other dogs, so if you’re looking for a dog who enjoys getting along with others, this may be your best bet!



The Chihuahua is a small, compact dog breed that can be affectionate and easy to train. They are good with children and make excellent companions. However, they can be stubborn at times and snappy with other dogs or people they don’t know well. They also have a unique ability to bark loudly when they’re upset or happy!

The Chihuahua’s size makes it ideal for apartment living because it doesn’t require much space–just enough room for its owner’s bed/couch/chair/etc., along with enough floor space so that you don’t trip over anything while walking around the house (although this could happen anyway).



Poodles are an excellent choice for apartment living. They’re friendly, intelligent and playful. They can also be trained to be great companions for children and other pets in your household.

Poodles were bred to be companions for the wealthy of Europe, so they tend to be high maintenance when it comes to grooming needs—but if you’re looking for a dog that won’t mind being pampered every now and again (and enjoys getting out of their kennel), this breed might just be right up your alley!

French Bulldog
French Bulldog

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are small dogs, with a medium-to-long coat. They’re friendly and playful, but also calm enough to be good for apartment living. They can get along well with children if raised from puppyhood, so you won’t have to worry about this breed being an aggressive barker at home or in public spaces. As far as grooming goes, French Bulldogs need regular brushing and combing to keep their coats healthy and shiny—but they’re not too big of a responsibility that it should stop you from adopting one!

Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are a small, short-haired breed of dog. They have a distinctive face and large ears that make them look like they’re wearing eyeglasses. The Boston Terrier is intelligent, affectionate, energetic and good with children. This makes it an excellent choice for apartment living!

Boston terriers can be trained to listen to commands in just a few weeks—they’re not as stubborn as other breeds at learning new skills like housebreaking or basic obedience training (though there’s still plenty of room for improvement). If you have time on your hands but don’t want to take charge of everything yourself or have the space or finances for an in-home helper like an au pair or live-in nanny who will do most things around the house while also taking care of your pet companion(s), then this breed might be right up your alley!

While there’s nothing better than a big romp in the backyard, most dogs don’t need it to actually be happy.

While there’s nothing better than a big romp in the backyard, most dogs don’t need it to actually be happy.

In fact, many dogs can be content with just a little exercise—and they’re perfectly happy staying inside or going out for a walk. Plus, if you live in an apartment or townhouse and want to keep your pet active but don’t have room for acres of space, these options will work just as well!

If your pup is already used to spending his days hanging out indoors (or in small spaces), then he might not mind being stuck inside all day long either. In this case, try putting down some toys around the house so he has something else to do besides pestering you every time someone comes over:

Not all breeds need the same amount of exercise.

  • Size, age and energy level all play a role in how much exercise your dog needs. A large breed of dog may need more exercise than a small one because of its size and weight. A young puppy that is still growing will need more exercise than an older adult who has attained his or her full height (giving him or her less energy to expend). High-energy dogs are also more active, so they’ll need more activity as well—but not all high-energy breeds have the same amount of stamina when it comes time for outdoor adventures!
  • You should keep this information in mind when choosing what type of home environment would be best suited for your pet: if you live in an apartment building or condo where pets aren’t allowed on balconies or other high places around the property line (because they can fall off), then maybe another option would be better for him/her instead; however if there aren’t any such restrictions placed upon you then perhaps keeping them inside during certain times throughout each day might suffice instead?

All dogs need some kind of physical and mental stimulation.

Dogs need to be active and have something to do. They can’t just sit around and wait for the world to happen, you know?

They also need some kind of mental stimulation as well, which is why it’s important that they’re given opportunities to run around outside in a fenced yard or in a park. This will help keep them busy while helping them keep their minds sharp—and it’ll make sure they don’t get bored!

small dogs can require a good deal of exercise

Even small dogs can require a good deal of exercise.

Many people think that because their dog is small, they don’t need much exercise. In fact, even small dogs can benefit from a little extra physical activity—and if you’re not sure what kind of exercise is best for your dog, talk to a professional! Some examples of good (and safe) ways to keep your pet active include:

  • Dog parks or off-leash areas where they can run around and play with other dogs. This is especially helpful if your dog has never been exposed to another animal before (or if he/she just doesn’t get along well with other animals). You’ll also find plenty of opportunities for socialization in these places as well!
  • Walks on trails through forested areas or along lakeshores. This allows both humans and dogs alike time together outdoors without having any distractions like cars or traffic nearby–which means more quality bonding time between human and animal alike!

It’s all about finding the right dog for your lifestyle.

If you’re considering getting a dog, it’s important to think about how you will care for the pet. Is your lifestyle compatible with a big backyard? Do you have enough time and energy to keep up with a large dog? If not, don’t get one!

If all of these questions are answered in the affirmative and still feel like your life is missing something without a pup by your side, then maybe now would be the perfect time to consider adding a furry friend.

A smaller dog can get a lot of exercise in a small yard.

Smaller dogs can get a lot of exercise in a small yard.

A small dog can get exercise by playing games with their owner, chasing after balls and toys, or even just walking around the yard on their own.

A large dog can be content with time at the park or on walks.

You might think that a large dog needs a large backyard to be happy, but this isn’t the case. Large dogs can be content with time at the park or on walks. They also love to play in water, so they’re not always looking for a fenced yard where they can go swimming.

Large dogs are more likely than small breeds to become bored and destructive if there aren’t enough outlets for their energy—and this may lead them to chew through furniture and dig up your flower beds! But by giving your medium-sized dog some variety in his activities (like taking him on daily walks), you’ll make sure he stays healthy and happy by keeping him occupied until it’s time for dinner—and maybe even after that too!

You can adapt to any situation by adjusting your care routine.

If you have a small backyard, it’s important to consider how you can make the most of your space. You can use toys and games to keep your dog entertained and engaged in activities that don’t require much physical exertion.

If you have a big yard, there are many fun things for dogs to do! Your dog will love playing with other dogs while they run around and play ball or Frisbee catch. The same goes if they’re exercising indoors—they’ll love going on walks together outside their home!

There are so many ways to make sure your dog is happy, whether you have a big yard or not

If you have a large yard, great! But even if your dog doesn’t have access to one of those, there are still plenty of ways for them to get their exercise. The first thing you should do is find an activity that your dog enjoys doing, whether it’s running around in the back yard or playing fetch with toys.

If possible, try to schedule daily walks and playtime times with other dogs so that they can socialize with other animals—and then take advantage of these opportunities as much as possible by taking advantage of whatever space is available (the park!) or using it as part of their regular routine (the house).


The ability to live comfortably in small spaces is a requirement for many people who want to own a dog. If you’re looking for a small breed dog, then one of these five breeds is sure to be perfect for your needs!

We hope we were able to help you find the right breed of dog fit for your living space with these pet-friendly breeds. Please feel free to leave any questions below or comment on our social media pages!

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